amazon s3 region
amazon s3 region

AmazonS3isavailableinAWSRegionsworldwide,andyoucanuseAmazonS3regardlessofyourlocation.YoujusthavetodecidewhichAWSRegion(s)youwantto ...,AmazonSimpleStorageService(S3)Multi-RegionAccessPointsprovideaglobalendpointforroutingAmazonS3requesttrafficbe...

Buckets overview

AmazonS3createsbucketsinaRegionthatyouspecify.Toreducelatency,minimizecosts,oraddressregulatoryrequirements,chooseanyAWSRegionthatis ...

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Amazon S3 FAQs

Amazon S3 is available in AWS Regions worldwide, and you can use Amazon S3 regardless of your location. You just have to decide which AWS Region(s) you want to ...

Amazon S3 Multi

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Multi-Region Access Points provide a global endpoint for routing Amazon S3 request traffic between AWS Regions.

Amazon S3 多區域存取點

每個全域端點都可以從多個來源路由Amazon S3 資料請求流量,流量來源包含Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPC)、內部部署資料中心(透過AWS PrivateLink) 以及公有網際網路 ...

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

2024年3月23日 — AWS service Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is currently available in following AWS Regions ; ap-southeast-4, Asia Pacific (Melbourne), 2023 ...

Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas

Amazon S3 renamed the US Standard Region to the US East (N. Virginia) Region to be consistent with AWS Regional naming conventions. There is no change to ...

amazon web services

2016年4月20日 — Amazon S3 creates bucket in a region you specify. You can choose any AWS region that is geographically close to you to optimize latency, ...

Buckets overview

Amazon S3 creates buckets in a Region that you specify. To reduce latency, minimize costs, or address regulatory requirements, choose any AWS Region that is ...

Format and Parse Amazon S3 URLs

2024年3月11日 — All the URL formats we have seen so far, except the global S3 URL, are called REST endpoints. They are hosted on either the or ...


When you create a Multi-Region Access Point, you specify a set of AWS Regions where you want to store data to be served through that Multi-Region Access Point.

Regional and Zonal endpoints

To access the Regional and Zonal endpoints for Amazon S3 Express One Zone from your virtual private cloud (VPC), you can use gateway VPC endpoints.


AmazonS3isavailableinAWSRegionsworldwide,andyoucanuseAmazonS3regardlessofyourlocation.YoujusthavetodecidewhichAWSRegion(s)youwantto ...,AmazonSimpleStorageService(S3)Multi-RegionAccessPointsprovideaglobalendpointforroutingAmazonS3requesttrafficbetweenAWSRegions.,每個全域端點都可以從多個來源路由AmazonS3資料請求流量,流量來源包含AmazonVirtualPrivateClouds(VPC)、內部部署資料中心(透過AWSPrivateLin...